
Academic Programme:

From the Elementary class level up to the senior class level, importance is given to academic, Domestic, recreational and community orientation training. The five areas of training  in academics are reading, writing, number, money and time. The children who exhibit academic ability and show interest in learning are segregated and trained in the normal  school  syllabus  in  a  limited  way.  So  far  five  students  have completed  their  8th standard  Government  Examination  and  two students completed their 10th Board Examination.

Computer Class:

Computer classes provided to all students aid in instruction of colors, shapes, sounds, pictures, storytelling, songs, and typewriting which help our students learn through audio and video methods.

Occupational and Physiotherapy:

At present 25 children are benefiting from the occupational therapy. It has given the children confidence to face new challenges from within the body and from  the  environment.  They  overcome  the  obstacles  and  involve themselves  in  productive  activity  showing  meaningful  play.  It  has improved their understanding capacity and learning behaviour. Children preoccupied with their own stereotyped and obsessive behavior benefit from play activities and learning to take care of themselves. Their coordination has improved and their reaction time to different stimulus has improved children, resulting in less dependency.

Pre-vocational Unit:

Above age 14 students are trained by qualified Special Educators in the area of the motor unit, weaving unit, time unit, weights and measures unit, packing and sealing unit and shopping  unit. After completing the training, the children will be placed in the vocational unit.

Vocational Unit:

Above age 15 students who show a lesser ability  in academics, are placed in the vocational unit. The girls are trained in tailoring, home management skills, cooking, canteen and running a petty shop. The vocational units for boys include the carpentry and screen printing unit. In addition to this they are trained in functional academics skills, where they apply whatever they learn in the classroom in their vocational environment. They learn to organize their time, work and learn to handle money. This program improves their social skills as well as self esteem.

Recycling Unit:

This unit enhances the skills of the students in collecting the materials from  the  houses  which will be referred by the school under the guidance of the school staff. They will sort the different things, folding the Newspapers, weighing and measuring which helps them to earn some wages.

Speech Therapy:

Children who have special needs are given intensive professional speech therapy to improve their speech skills.

Other Activities:

In addition to this children are trained in music, art, singing, dancing and sports. They have excelled in each of these areas and have won several laurels in the District, State, National and International level competitions.


The school has successfully placed trained students in factories and small – scale firms. Some students have been helped to start their own Small  trades  such  as  a  mobile  laundry  unit,  petty  shops  and  use tricycles  and  auto  rickshaws  for  carrying  cargo  and  the  public respectively.

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